The copyright has expired on this book so it is available on-line.
Here is an example of a soldier that from Lowell that was killed in action.
Lyons, Frank Joseph: killed in action 15 July, 1918 [near Vaux). Enl. 22 June, 1916, Co. M, 9th Inf., Mass. N. G. Served on Mexican Border. Reported for duty 26 March, 1917; mustered 31 March, Co. M, 9th Inf., Mass. N. G. (Co. M, 101st Inf., 26th Div.). Overseas 13 Dec, 1917.
Born 3 June, 1896, at Lowell, son of Patrick and Josephine (Sullivan) Lyons (both born in Ireland); brother of John. Married Orene Bernetl LaFleur. Child: Frances Elizabeth. Mill hand. Square in Lowell named in his memory.
Sources on line are good and always due to the efforts of someone.
Regards — Cliff has many old Lowell City directories and Courier Citizen newspaper editions on line. Very helpful for Civil War research in Lowell.