Today marks the 100 year anniversary of the armistice that ended World War 1. Today we remember the 221 heroes from Greater Lowell who died so that we can live the lives we do today. Never forget their sacrifice.
Aggelakos |
Armand V Alix |
Stanley Thomas Anthony |
Joseph April |
Wilfred Taylor Axon |
Arthur J Ayotte |
Dexter E Bailey |
Aubrey M Bearisto |
Frederick Beaumont |
Joseph G Belanger |
Bikiary |
Wilfred Binette |
Joseph Blanchard |
Bernard L Boisvert |
Albert J Boisvert |
Laurent L Bolduc |
Alexander H Borland |
Peter R Bradley |
George W Brick |
Frederick Brierly |
William Brookes |
William F Brown |
Brant Atwood Browne |
Walter A Bruce |
Charles K Buk |
Paul L Burden |
Harry N Burke |
William J Burke |
Gavin A Caldwell |
Frederick H Casey |
Oliver M Chadwick |
Philip Chalifoux |
Mederic Champagne |
Raymond E Chappell |
Philip Chaput |
John Ciesla |
William H Clouatre |
Harmon Clough |
Henry Cognac |
William E Coleman |
Guthrie Colpitts |
John L Connolly |
Michael Connolly |
Frederick Nicholas Connolly |
Leo Constantineau |
Richard Corbett |
Charles Auguste Cornellier |
James F Costello |
Napoleon Cote |
John P Cranna |
Cunnert |
Lorne L Cupples |
Armand P Daigle |
James H Dankert |
Narcisse Desrosiers |
Mahlon Dennett |
Omer Deziel |
Edward J Donovan |
Philip Doyon |
William Dube |
Joseph B Dugan |
Rodolphe Duhaime |
John L Durkin |
John Dzadolonis |
Eldon Elon Elston |
Harold W Estey |
Valentine E Ferris |
Robert L Fisk |
Edward J Flannery |
Carl E Fletcher |
Edward C Fulton |
William Gallagher |
George Garner |
George Gayules |
George Gearin |
Henry Joseph Germain |
Efstiatios Georgulis |
Fred Gifford |
Edward T Gillis |
Arthur J Girard |
George Gravelle |
Anthony Grey |
Thomas Hamblet |
James Hamelakis |
R Hanolet |
Joseph Franklin Harding |
Bernard Harrington |
Harold F Harrison |
Frank Harrison |
Joseph Hebert |
Leo Henry McDonald |
Oscar A Hix |
Ernest H Hoyle |
Roy L Humpreys |
Ralph G Hurd |
Edward J Johnstone |
Thomas F Jones |
Adelard Julian |
Paul T Kearney |
Frank H Kelley |
Duncan Kelly |
Solon W Kirkeby |
Paul E Kittredge |
Eugene A LaJeunesse |
Bertrand Lamarre |
Ralph H Lashua |
Leo J Lavoie |
Joseph LeNormand |
Edwin T Little |
Charles J Longtin |
Frank Lyons |
John Adams Lyons |
Alex MacLean |
Elias Maheros |
Thomas F Mann |
Thomas Michael Manning |
George S Mansour |
Walter Marr |
Martin |
John Joseph Mayer |
James W McCleary |
James McClennan |
Howard McCoy |
James Charles McDermott |
Leo H McDonald |
Thomas McDonough |
William H McGrath |
William J McKenna |
Lee Arthur Mckenzie |
John C McMahon |
Edmund McNamara |
Arthur R McOsker |
Francis M McOsker |
Frank McPherson |
Joseph 0 Mercier |
Ray Messer |
Anthansios Michaolopoulos |
Harry J Miller |
John J Mills |
Paul D Mills |
Lawrence Moczyrog |
Joseph P Mollahan |
William J Molloy |
John William Montgomery |
Alfred Moran |
William Mugan |
Stephen A Murray |
Timothy Nagle |
John Onesiphore Napoleon |
Herbert J Nealey |
Edward A Nelson |
James W Nickerson |
Edward E Nickles |
John J O'Brien |
John J O'Donnell |
Francis R Owens |
Pierre Paignon |
Albert Palm |
Joseph N Paquin |
Manuel W Perry |
Frederick D Pickering |
Minard Pickett |
Ralph Quessy |
Edward F Quinn |
Thomas J Quirk |
William H Regnier |
Alfred J Renaud |
Leo Ricard |
Edward Riendeau |
James Douglas Rivet |
Muriom Rodzin |
George FH Rogers |
Thomas F Roarke |
Edward Rowe |
Charles J Roy |
John H Ryan |
Alfred Salvas |
Segur Severson |
Rusby Porter Shafer |
Harley Arnold Shonyon |
Samuel J Shuman |
Bruno Silk |
Gerald RT Silk |
Peter Silva |
Jacob Simonian |
Hollis C Simpson |
Ernest Smith |
Joseph Charles Stanley |
Stefanik |
George F Stewart |
Dan A Sullivan |
Jeremiah F Sullivan |
William G Swift |
Edgar W Sykes |
Eugene A Tansey |
Egbert F Tetley |
Ralph Tewksbury |
Christos Theodorou |
Joseph Marius Thibedeau |
Albert Thomson |
William Toner |
John J Trainor |
Daniel F Tully |
Ray C Turner |
Frank Urbanek |
Leon Thomas Vaillancourt |
Joseph A Veillette |
Alberton Vinal |
Charles Wallace |
John M Warren |
John Martin Warren |
Charles A Webster |
William A Welch |
Aaron Davis Weld |
George W Wells |
William J Wilber |
Alexander Wilson |
Brooks Woodworth |
Joseph Worthy |
Winthrop Wright |
John Zarnowski |
We remember. |
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Hi, I'm searching information about Philip Doyon, died on August 27, 1918 during WW1. He searved for canadian army because he was born in Quebec, but lived in Lowell until his enlistment. Do you have picture or information about him or his family? Thanks